A Beginner’s Guide to Succession Planning

A Beginner’s Guide to Succession Planning

In this blog post we share with you a beginner’s guide to succession planning. Succession planning is an essential process in any business. It ensures that your company is prepared for the future, whatever it may bring. If a key employee leaves your business, it can...
Planning Your Induction Process

Planning Your Induction Process

The induction process for your business will be different to the induction processes for other businesses. It’s extremely subjective to your business, your company culture, your vision and your mission. While the idea is the same, the induction process will differ....
Creating A Company Bible

Creating A Company Bible

Every business should have a company bible of some form. This is a document, book or file that include everything there is to know about your business. It should be a clear document for stakeholders in your business which clearly explains what your business represents...