An Environmental Impact Assessment, also known as an EIA, is a survey or audit of a site identified for development and sits alongside planning.  Your planning case officer during the pre-app consultation phase will tell you if your project needs one of these. It identifies the effects that a development could have on the environment. The Environmental Impact Assessment should be carried out at the earliest opportunity. This is because implications for natural habitats need to be considered, along with surrounding communities and the wider area ecosystems.

The Environmental Impact Assessment is a report that will provide both developers and decision-makers with valuable and actionable information. In turn, this report will allow authorities to consider consent for the development with a thorough and holistic approach.

Here at Elite Events ECL we can project manage this Environmental Impact Assessment for you. Our Environmental Impact Assessment project management services will include all stages of the EIA. We will also be involved in the integration of the EIA which includes working with the project design team and other professional advisors. Our EIA project managers can also pull together all documentation and reports required for the development from the various specialist advisors.

We can also support your development by assisting the Planning team and client through the development and site review, screening and scoping and more.

One area that our clients really appreciate our help is with the EIA consultation process. This includes participation from the public and a look at the impact the project will have on the community. Our EIA project management specialists can help with the management and co-ordination of both stakeholder and public consultations. These take places with landowners, businesses, schools, neighbour and communities in the local area. In addition, we can support you with the preparation and implementation of consultation and engagement plans. This will ensure effective dialogue and recording of the EIA consultation process.

Need help project managing your environmental impact assessment? Contact our EIA project management specialists now.